COMS 4733 - Lab 2, due 2/22/07 before class
Tangent Bug Path Planning


(100 pts) This lab builds upon the work done in lab 1. The user will utilize MoverGUI to specify waypoints, as in lab 1, except that when obstacles are encountered, they will be avoided utilizing the Tangent Bug algorithm. The Tangent Bug algorithm consists of two modes: drive towards waypoint and drive around obstacle. When the PER, using its IR rangefinder, determines that its path towards the next waypoint is unobstructed by any obstacles, the PER will drive directly toward the obstacle. If the path is obstructed, however, then the PER must navigate around the obstacle by driving around tangent to the surface of the obstacle, until reaching a position where it is closer to the destination waypoint than when it became obstructed and can proceed to the designated waypoint. Unlike in lab 1's Extra Credit, you cannot assume anything about the size the obstacle(s), specifically expect that your program will be tested with obstacles requiring multiple movements to navigate around the obstacle. For an overview of various bug algorithms, see Siegwart 6.2.2 or the lectures notes.


Figure 1 below demonstrates a hypothetical environment and set of waypoints the PER might be asked to navigate. At first, the PER follows the waypoints unobstructed. At the second waypoint, however, the PER realizes that it cannot proceed directly towards the third waypoint. Therefore after having scanned the object in front of it, it then begins a path driving tangent to the wall. It continues this process, until it reaches a position where the robot is now closer to the waypoint and IR scanning shows it can proceed directly to the next waypoint.

Figure 1

The program should function as follows:
API Suggestions:
Odometry error and calibration: It is highly recommended that you calibrate the PER, especially the pan/tilt, else the calculated locations of the obstacles will be incorrect.

To get you started, feel free to use this archive which contains the code for the demo used in class. Note that archive is actually an export of an eclipse project, meaning it contains everything needed to setup a completely working setup directly into eclipse (including the PER libraries and the apache math commons). To do so, right-click the workspace tab-->import-->General-->Existing projects into workspace-->Choose as the archive.
