Academic Record:
For an up to date list of ALL courses taught (as a Professor) between 2012 and 2022, please see here.
Courses TAed (served as Teaching Assistant):
Spring 2008:
Spring 2007:
Courses Taken:
Spring 2008:
Fall 2007:
- COMS E6773 - 3D Photography
Spring 2007:
- COMS W4771 - Machine Learning
- PHYS C1494 - Intro to Experimental Physics
- PHED C1102 - Phys Ed: Fencing
Fall 2006:
- CSEE E6832 - Formal Verification of Hardware/Software Systems
- CSEE W4824 - Computer Architecture
- COMS E6998 - Web Applications Server: Architecture Design
- COMS E6901 - Projects in Computer Science
- COMS W4115 - Programming Languages and Translators
Summer 2006:
- COMS S4701 - Artifical Intelligence
Spring 2006:
- CSEE E6847 - Distributed Embedded Systems
- CSEE W4840 - Embedded System Design
- COMS E6735 - Visual Databases
- COMS E6732 - Advanced Topics in Vision - Computational Imaging
- COMS E6161 - Rendering
- PHED C1002 - Phys Ed: Strength Training
Fall 2005:
- ELEN E3201 - Circuit Analysis
- CSEE W4823 - Advanced Logic Design
- COMS W4733 - Computational Aspects of Robotics
- COMS W4731 - Computer Vision
- COMS W4705 - Natural Language Processing
- COMS W4165 - Pixel Processing
Summer 2005:
- COMS S4118 - Operating Systems
- COMS S3827 - Fundamentals of Computer Systems
- COMS S3261 - Computability and Models of Computation
Spring 2005:
- SIEO W4150 - Probability and Statistics
- ELEN E1201 - Intro to Electrical Engineering
- COMS W3210 - Scientific Computation
- COCI C1102 - Contemporary Western Civilizations II
- CHNS C1102 - Elementary Chinese
Fall 2004:
- COMS W3251 - Computational Linear Algebra
- HUMA W1121 - Masterpieces of Western Art
- COCI C1101 - Contemporary Western Civilization
- CHNS W1011 - Introductory Chinese II
Summer 2004 (Columbia U. at Reid Hall, Paris, France):
- FREN H1221 - (French) Second-Year Conversation
- FREN H1202 - (French) Intermediate Course II
Spring 2004:
- COMS W3203 - Intro to Combinatorics & Graphics (Discrete Math)
- COMS W3139 - Honors Data Structures & Algorithms
- MATH V1202 - Calculus IVA
- PHYS C1602 - Physics II: Thermodynamics/Electricity & Magnetism
- ENGI E1102 - Design Fundamentals use Advanced Computers (Gateway Lab)
- CHNS W1010 - Introductory Chinese I (N)
Fall 2003:
- MATH V1201 - Calculus IIIA
- PHYS C1601 - Physics I: Mechanics & Relativity
- CHEM C1405 - General Chemistry
- ECON W1105 - Principles of Economics
- ENGL C1010 - University Writing
Key to Course Listings
Taken from
Each course number consists of a capital letter followed by four digits.
The capital letters identifies the University division offering the course:
- C: Columbia College
- E: School of Engineering and Applied Science
- H: Reid Hall (Paris)
- V: Interschool Course
- W: Interfaculty Course
The first digit signifies the level of course:
- 1: Undergraduate Course
- 2: Undergraduate Course, intermediate
- 3: Undergraduate Course, advanced
- 4: Graduate Course open to qualified undergraduates
- 6: Graduate Course
In addition, the course prefix indicates the department(s) offering the course:
- COMS: Computer Science
- CSEE: Computer Science & Electrical Engineering (often a Computer Engineering course, run cooperatively by both)
- ELEN: Electrical Engineering
- PHYS: Physics
- MATH: Math
- SIEO: Industrial Engineering & Operations
- FREN: French
- CHNS: Chinese